How To Retrieve Reads Supporting A Snp/Indel
I used samtools and varscan for variant calling like this:samtools mpileup \ -f genome.fa \ tku.sorted.rmdup.bam \ | java -jar VarScan.v2.3.5.jar pileup2snp \ --min-coverage 8 \ --min-reads2 2 \...
View ArticleFiltering Vcf File
I was wondering how to filter the vcf file based on a few input arguments ( DP>10, MQ>30 and QD>20 or GT = "1/1" etc)? I m planning to use simple command on the command line to extract the...
View ArticleHow To Calculate Genotype Concordance Between Indel Call Sets?
How do people calculate genotype concordance between INDEL call sets? I have a NGS and BAC based INDEL call set (in vcf) but I get a higher false positive and false negative rate than mentioned in some...
View ArticleWhat Is Difference Between Gatk And Dindel For Calling Indel
What is difference between GATK and Dindel for calling indel ,I see that in the GATK second step :discovery indel ,The genotype likelihoods calculation is inspired by Dindel.So I want to know the...
View ArticleLocating Indels In Gene
I have a excel file from windows (spreadsheet) contains start, end and indel sequences (-GGC means GGC deletion or +AAC means AAC insertion) in column 1, 2 and 3 respectively. I have a reference genome...
View ArticleSamtools Indels -- Filtering Only Hits With Insertion In The Reference In The...
Can anyone suggest how to use samtools to filter only hits where there is a insertion in the reference that splits the sequence hit roughly by the middle? My sequences are in the range of 100-1000bp...
View ArticleInsertion Detection Tools
Hi,Please suggest me some tools which can detect large indels (esp. of size > 100bp). Some of the tools I have already tried include Breakdancer and Pindel and Hydra. Any other suggestions??
View ArticleStrelka Indel Allele Counts
Hopefully there are some Strelka users out there who can help with this one. I'm looking for allelic counts of the ref and non-ref allele of the indels.I see these flags in the VCF header, do these...
View ArticleTools For Large Indels Discovery In Single-End Rna-Seq Reads
Hi all,Has anyone heard about any tool wich could deal with large indels discovery? I've found some for paired-end reads but never for single-end... My final goal is to find transposable elements...
View ArticleReducing False Positive Indel Calls From Pindel
I am analyzing the specificity of Pindel's indel calls. I have matched tumor/normal WGS data, bwa aligned. The original calls were filtered to remove any that had supporting reads from the normal...
View ArticleBest Way To Compare Output Snp/Indels From Different Software?
I have a list of SNPs and indels from 4 different software. IndelGenotyper (broad tool)—for calling somatic indels Bambino—for calling SNP/Indels Somaticsniper—SNP calling Varscan – indel/snp/LOH Now...
View ArticleWhat Do You Expect As The False Positive And Negative Rate For Snp'S And...
What do you expect as the false positive and negative rate for SNP's and INDELS in a WGS experiment?On which papers and data sets (inhouse or external) do you base this? Edit: Of course this depends on...
View ArticleStructural Variation Detection On A Short Reads Simulation
Hi,I am trying to do the following exercise (still playing with indels):simulate short reads (and indels) out of a human genome chromosome,align the short reads simulated in (1),call indels using a SV...
View ArticleAnyone Know A *General* Variant (Snp/Indel) Effect Predictor / Annotator?
I'm looking for a general variant annotator ... one that would call a variant as synonymous, non-synonymous, non-genic, UTR, frame-shift, truncation, etc. By general I mean that we should be able to...
View ArticleIndel Discovery Delly, Pindel, Samtools, Gatk
I'm testing out samtools vs GATK for snp and indel calling, and looking at using pindel for SV in particular focusing on insertions and Delly for the other SV. What experience do people have of SNP...
View ArticleMerging Vcf Files And Filling In Missing Genotypes
I have vcf files with genomic variants (e.g. SNPs and Indels) from several patients. I now want to merge them into one vcf file e.g. using vcftools' merge-vcf. Doing that I get a file that holds for...
View ArticleIndel Detection For 454 Resequencing
I do some work for a small diagnostics company that has a requirement for small indel detection in 454 data. Those of you familiar with Roche's pipeline will be aware that AVA (Amplicon Variant...
View ArticleAlternate Sources Of Reference Indel Vcfs Outside Of Dbsnp And 1000 Genomes...
Hi,I am in a midst of testing some software tools for detecting indel from single sample genome data, and was wondering whether there is any source of reference indel files outside of dbSNP and 1000...
View ArticleFrequency Of Homozygous Indels Vs Heterozygous Indels
I have been surprised to read in Genetic Variation in an Individual Human Exome that most of indels in coding regions are homozygous:The HuRef genome contains a total of 739 coding indels, which...
View ArticleHow Are Indel Coded In Vcf Files
Hello,I have a question concerning how are INDEL coded in VCF files. I have for instance the following file:CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER8 18078835 . TTA T 46 PASS8 18078836 . TA T 138 PASSHow to...
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